Useful snippets of code and boilerplate that help me be more productive when I am coding.
Copying arrays and objects
Make shallow or deep copies of arrays or objects in JavaScript
Countdown timer
A simple countdown timer built in JavaScript
Create an element n-amount of times in React
Create an element n-amount of times in React in several different ways
Debounce in React
A simple custom hook for debouncing in React with TypeScript
Unique items in an array
Find unique items in an array with a JavaScript or TypeScript function
Generate the alphabet
Generate the alphabet with lowercase and uppercase letters in two lines of code
GET requests
GET requests with fetch API, async functions and axios in JavaScript
Glass effect (glassmorphism)
Create a glass-like effect with CSS or Tailwind
POST requests
POST requests with fetch API, async functions and axios in JavaScript
Random integer
Generate random inclusive and non-inclusive integers
Search in JS
Implement a loose or strict search in JavaScript